Lab & Student Alumni

Jonathan Markey
(517) 432-7171
MSU Department of Plant Biology
270 Plant Biology Building

Former Professorial Assistant
Department of Education and Department of Chemistry

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Graduated 2014, MSU
Degree: Plant Biology

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellow
Graduated 2011, MSU
Degree: B.S. Zoology
Graduated 2013
Degree: M.S. Secondary Education
Former Postdoctoral Researcher
Graduated 2011, MSU
Degree: Medical Technology

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Former Postdoctoral Researcher
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Graduated 2010, MSU
Degree: Microbiology

Graduated 2009, MSU
Degree: Biiomedical Laboratory Diagnostics

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Former Grad Student